Our story.
Serving the greater good.
ComplianceWise, as the name says, is a company that wants to help banks and financial institutions to easily and demonstrably comply with the compliance rules. Wasn’t that easy then? No, it was almost impossible.
Christiaan Dappers, founder and CEO of ComplianceWise, once worked at a Trust Office, and from the government and the regulator there came more and more laws and obligations in the field of compliance. So much and so complicated that it was extremely difficult to comply.
And there was one more thing: on his travels around the world, he saw what corruption, money laundering, and fraud did to some countries he visited. It was so deeply intertwined in governments and businesses that citizens gave in to it despondently. It led to bankruptcies (in some cases of a whole country), but also to a total lack of confidence of the citizens in the government, in the financial institutions, and even more so, in the ethical functioning of society as a whole

Christiaan saw this as disastrous. And the sum of his experiences made him decide to found ComplianceWise: a company that should contribute to an ethical society, and to the ethical functioning of companies and institutions. How? By making ‘becoming compliant and being compliant’ doable for these companies, by helping them to comply with compliance rules relatively easily, and by granting these companies a ‘license to operate’.
Now, seven years later we have offices in Amsterdam and Luxembourg, we are operational in 15 countries, service more than 150 clients, we are recognized by experts as ‘Best in Class’ and we have strong global and local partnerships. And we don’t stop. Every day we work hard to make our solutions even better.
Software as a relief.
With our next level solutions we want to give our clients and their organization full confidence that it complies with all AML legislation, as effectively and (cost-) efficiently as they would’ve never thought possible.
Our solutions are SAAS-solutions. That means Software as a Service. For most of our clients it’s even more: they experience working with our solutions as a relief. And that’s exactly our purpose, to give our clients the comfortable feeling of complete control, the pleasant feeling of ease, and the reassuring feeling that they can approach any supervisor with confidence. That’s why we say: we develop Software as a Relief.